Course Syllabus

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Course information

The course provides a basic introduction to the principles that govern the flow in the sea at different scales from the smallest turbulent vortices to the large-scale circulation in the oceans. A major emphasis is on describing various physical phenomena using quantitative mathematical tools.

The course deals in particular with the following elements:

  • Basic properties of a fluid
  • Equations for mass conservation, momentum and energy
  • Coordinate systems and effects of Earth rotation
  • Derivation of simplified sets of equation describing large-scale oceanic flows
  • Description of geostrophic flows, thermal wind, frictional effects
  • Introduction to the basic theory of wind-driven ocean gyres.


Schedule - Link to TimeEdit

Syllabus -

Litterature - Vallis, G. K., 2017.   Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics: Fundamentals of large-scale circulation, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press.  ISBN: 9781107588417


Course Leader: Fabien Roquet,

Teaching assistant: Romain Caneill,

Study counselor:  Barbara Casari,

Education administrator: Anna Holgén,


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Course Summary:

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